Monica Bhide on Food, Singles, Food, Work, Food, Guilty Pleasures – and did we say Food?
Meet Monica Bhide, one of my favorite culinary experts on India and Indian foods. Monica is an engineer turned food/travel/parenting writer based out of Washington DC. She is simply amazing at what she does. Monica has brought her talent from her kitchen to your kitchen all the way from Delhi, India. Being a punjabi myself, I definitely understand the need and desire for the Indian spices.
Monica has published three popular cookbooks, the latest being: Modern Spice: Inspired Indian recipes for the contemporary Kitchen (Simon & Schuster, 2009, which Padma Lakshmi called her personal – “BESTS. BOOK. EVER” in Newsweek. Another impressive fact about Monica is that she has spice app for Apple products, and that The Chicago Tribune picked as one of 7 noteworthy food writers to watch. She has developed recipes for Prevention, Health, AARP and many other magazine and companies.
It was a pleasure to sit down with Monica and have a chat regarding her life, love of food and favorite recipes for singles and couples.
22 Questions for Monica Bhide
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself, where did you grow up? What part of India are you from?
I feel like a gypsy whenever I am asked to answer this question! I was born in Delhi, I was raised in the Middle East (in Bahrain), I studied Engineering in Bangalore, and I have lived in the US for the past twenty years! See? Gypsy!
2. What are your fondest food memories from childhood?
I have to say that I was very blessed as a child as I grew up in a family that was blessed with great cooks! My dad is amazing at making meat based dishes, my mother – I think she should be called the Vegetable Whisperer) – has a delightful way with vegetables and pretty much my entire extended family either cooks well or knows where to take you for a great meal!
My fondest memory as a child is sitting in the kitchen with my dad and watching him cook his legendary butter chicken. Not only did I know the dish would turn out amazing (it always did) but it was a time for us to connect and talk about his world travels. I adored listening to his stories and was thrilled whenever he would make this dish as it meant, he would be in a mood (and have time) to talk!
3.Did you have another career before you were a culinary cultivator and teacher?
Yes. I am a geek of the first order. I have an engineering degree and two masters degrees (One in Industrial Systems and one in Information Systems from George Washington University). I worked for Ernst & Young for over ten years and was at Hewitt Associates for another 3.
4. What got you into cooking professionally?
Well, I don’t really “cook professionally” in that I am not a trained chef. I am a home cook and I love to write about my experiences in the kitchen. I have been cooking since I was a little child. It is just something I love to do.

5. What are the benefits of making homemade Indian food?
I think the benefits of any homemade food are that you control what goes in it and what you are eating! You can choose the quality of the ingredients, you can vary the recipe to your taste and you can eat delightful dishes each time you cook!
6. Describe an Indian spice you use and tell us why it is important to have in our diet?
Oh, my! I use a wide variety of spices in my cooking. I think one of the spices that offers the most benefit is turmeric. It is an amazing anti inflammatory. The American Journal of Epidemiology reported that a diet high in curry (which typically includes turmeric) may help the aging brain. As reported by Reuters, “Curry is used widely by people in India and ‘interestingly,’ the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease among India’s elderly ranks is fourfold less than that seen in the United States.” Think about it — fourfold!
7. Who are your greatest teachers in Life?
Both my parents have taught me most everything I know. My husband has taught me how to face life with strength and grace. My children teach me everyday what it means to be a good human being. I watch my son play soccer and take lessons from him on determination and persistence.

Indian Food, Indian Spices, India!
8. Are you an extremely adventurous eater? Are there any foods you won’t eat or even try?
Yes, I can say that I am pretty adventurous but I refuse to eat anything that is still alive and moving.
9. What is your guilty pleasure? What do you snack on when no one else is around because you don’t want anyone else to know?
Where do I start? Nutella, Cheetos… you name it, I love it!
10. Are your friends and family afraid to cook for you in fear that you might consider their food less sophisticated or creative than yours?
This happens more than I like. New friends sometimes get worried about inviting me over. But once they get to know me, they know that I am just a regular gal (who messes up a lot in her own kitchen), they are kind and do invite me. I always learn from my friends and love being in other people’s homes and kitchens.
11. What is your typical work day like? How many hours do you put in? Where do you spend the most time?
A typical workday – I wish I had one since there are usually so many different things going on. But in a nutshell – I am up around 5:30 and I meditate in the mornings. Then get busy with kids and their morning routine. Once the boys are off to school, I write for a few hours. Then it is an hour of intense workout at the gym. Afternoons are usually reserved for recipe testing and photographs. Evenings are family time: between cooking dinner and teaching my son algebra, there is no time for much else! I used to write a lot at night but now I find myself reading till late.

Singles – and Indian Spices!
12. What is your advice to single women who want to impress a guy with their cooking skills?
I love asking people what they like to eat and then cooking it in an usual and different way! For instance, if the love of your life loves eggplant, think outside the box and make a creamy eggplant soup instead of baigan bhartha! I think this shows creativity and caring – two traits that are sure to impress!
13. What would be the ingredients a one-woman household should always have around for quick, easy meals.
A spice box full of great and diverse spices, spice mixes and fresh vegetables. You just cannot go wrong with that!
14. What menu would you suggest for a special birthday or Valentine’s Day?
Can I admit that I hate cooking on my birthday! Like to be treated out since I cook a LOT all the time!!For those who want to cook for someone else’s birthday: I love dishes that reflect someone’s past – so if you love grew up in, say an old part of Delhi, find dishes from that area that are reflective of the person’s home and heritage. To me a celebratory meal isnt about cooking an amazing dish. Yes, that is a part of it but to me the most important thing is the thought behind the dish – the love and energy spent finding the perfect dish to cook!
15. What would you recommend for people who come back from work; are tired and want to eat something quickly?
I am a BIG fan of stir-fries. Fresh vegetables, ginger and a bit of soy sauce and you are done! I also like to make sandwiches with ingredients like scrambled paneer or egg plant slices (roasted) – easy to do dishes that are delicious. I also love to make soups. IF you are really pressed for time, keep a ton of stock in your pantry. this way, you will always have the base ready to go and all you have to is add noodles and or meats.
16. What recipe from your cookbook, would you recommend that can be made in 30 minutes or less and is healthy and good for the diet?
Brussels sprouts with a touch of curry! Also, you can link to the Pinterest of Modern Spice. People can click on any dish that looks good to them and get the recipe for free: http://pinterest.com/mbhide/
17. For the single woman in her late 20’s to early 30’s who is so wrapped up in her career, what recipe would you recommend from your cook book and why?
Sunday Night Skillet Chicken with rice. This is a very simple dish. And it tastes better the next day! You can make it on Sunday and eat it on Monday and Tuesday.. saves time and energy and it is so simple to prepare.

18. For the single woman who has an amazing date with the man of her dreams, what recipe from your cookbook should she prepare for date night with her significant other?
I met my husband in Lynchburg. I was cooking rice pudding one night and he told me that he fell in love with the smell of the dishes. He tasted it and loved it. We have been married for twenty years now. Take from that what you will!
19. What is the secret behind your success?
Not giving up …. Not listening to naysayers. Staying focused and working consistently, persistently and with great faith.
20. Who is your greatest inspiration?
This one is hard to answer. So many people inspire me. I wrote a book about it! It is an ebook book – In Conversation with Exceptional Women and in Nov, we celebrate one year!
21. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I see myself writing!
22. Do you plan on involving your children in your business someday or are just taking life as it comes?
At this point, the five-year-old loves to help me in the kitchen and considers his job to be the “official taste tester” while my older one is starting to show a real interest in cooking. As for tomorrow, I don’t know! I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up!
Thanks for the chat Monica! I enjoyed this thoroughly!
Monica Marwah

Monica Marwah is a 30 something single school psychologist who enjoys living life to the fullest. She is taking her experience and showing others how to believe in themselves and love themselves completely. After years of dating and meeting people, she has come into her own. Spirituality has been a foundation for self improvement for her and she is hoping to encourage people to embark upon a spiritual journey at this age.)
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1 Comment
What a wonderful article on Monica! She is such an inspiration and never fails to bring sunshine to my day!