New York Diary – Events

Monsoon Wedding is the Destination Wedding of the Season
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f it’s summer, can a big fat Indian wedding be far behind? The wedding which is creating the most buzz this season is Mira Nair’s Monsoon Wedding! For those of us who saw the original, much-loved movie, it’s almost like a family affair and a wedding we all want to go to. For many of us from the tri-state area, the location is exotic enough – Brooklyn!
As Mira Nair says, “I began in the theater and after several decades of making films, have returned to the theater. Tired of seeing mostly Western stories on the world stage, I wondered: for our own absurdly rich sub-continental culture—so marinated in story-telling and gaana-bajana—why can’t we have our own Fiddler on the Roof? This is our offering :Monsoon Wedding, The Musical.”
[dropcap]N[/dropcap]air’s stage musical has the wonderful music of Vishal Bharadwaj and the book is crafted by Arpita Mukherjee and Sabrina Dhawan So get yourself to St. Ann’s Warehouse in Brooklyn to catch the wedding of the year – before it’s over. And like at any good wedding, people are planning on feasting after the celebrations. Check out the scores of great eateries in Dumbo and catch the wedding of the year – before it’s over!
(May 6th – June 25h)
Read my review next week in Lassi with Lavina
#monsoonwedding #theater #offbroadway #miranair #vishalbharadwaj