Portrait of a mother – as this young artist, who is very close to me, has depicted in this art from the heart, may the flowers always bloom for you, the sun shine on you and your lives always be full of love. Roses, gifts, visits to the spa, jeweled baubles, lunches and dinners, lots of pampering – you deserve them all! A perennial post I love to share on Mother’s Day.
A perennial favorite that I like to share on Mother’s Day.
Mothers, Sons and Daughters…
To all the wonderful moms – Happy Mother’s Day! As this young artist, who is very close to me, has depicted from the heart, may the flowers always bloom for you, the sun shine on you and your lives always be full of love. Roses, gifts, visits to the spa, jeweled baubles, lunches and dinners, lots of pampering – you deserve them all!
Sharing a wonderful video tribute to mothers by SNL’s Tina Fey!