Author: Ritu Banga

co-founder of @zoomdojo, a college to career initiative; also a trustee of @MarymountNY. Trusted expert and advisor on education, career development, job training, youth employment and the workplace.

506 people reached on FB Lassi with Lavina page Working Women: Staying Relevant in a Changing Job Market [dropcap]I[/dropcap] remember a time of relative stability in the job market. You finished high school, got a degree or went to trade school, found a job, grew your expertise in that field, stayed with that organization until you retired, and benefited from steadily rising wages as the years passed. Today it’s different. Career paths — and consequently incomes — have become much more unpredictable. Some of this is voluntary, a by-product of young people’s changing perspective on work and the rise of the so-called “gig economy.” In part, however,…

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