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Siddhartha Mukherjee – Abraham Verghese – Atul Gawande – Sanjay Gupta – Sandeep Jauhar
“Illness is the night-side of life, a more onerous citizenship. Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship, in the kingdom of the well and in the kingdom of the sick. Although we all prefer to use only the good passports, sooner or later each of us is obliged, at least for a spell, to identify ourselves as citizens of that other place.”
– Susan Sontag.
This quotation begins Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee’s Pulitzer Prize winning biography of cancer, ‘The Emperor of All Maladies.”
In this series we pay tribute to five physicians who preside over ‘the kingdom of the sick’ with not only their healing hands but their powerful words: Drs. Siddhartha Mukherjee, Atul Gawande, Abraham Verghese, Sanjay Gupta and Sandeep Jauhar.
The Series:
Siddhartha Mukherjee-Battling the Emperor
Sanjay Gupta, CNN”s Doctor to the World
Atul Gawande – A Checklist for Success
Abraham Verghese – The Healing Touchstone
Sandeep Jauhar – The Human Factor
What–no women??
So glad you enjoyed the series! Looking forward to their new books, and Dr. Sanjay Gupta is also involved with a documentary.
Lavina –
What a beautiful series. I absolutely loved it! These physician writers represent not only the best of medicine, but South Asian Americans who are driven by passion and service (and not just the prestige and salary that comes from being a physician). I have read the works of 4 out of the 5 writers and even met Sandeep Jauhar and Siddhartha Mukherjee. Hope to meet the rest later on.
Hi Rochelle, Manil Suri is not a physician – he’s a mathematician. He obtained his PhD in applied mathematics from Carnegie-Mellon University and is a tenured full professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.
You have forgotten Manil Suri.