Exploring the Veggie Food Trail to India
Delhi, Mumbai and Bhuj
A trip to India means a vegetarian food orgy! I invite you to this delicious gigantic dosa and a glass of cold chas as I eat my way through Bombay, Delhi and Bhuj in the line of duty – a veggie food assignment from the editors of Hinduism Today in Hawaii. I’ll also be blogging for Lassi with Lavina so watch out for these food fantasies. Putting on a few pounds for the entertainment and knowledge of my readers!😊
Let me know of any eateries you think I should visit!
#Indianfood #lassi #lassiwithlavina #Hinduismtoday #hinduismtodaymagazaine #desifood #dosa #southindianfood #thali #vegetarianfood #chas #sambar #vegetarianthali #status #shivsagar