Lassi with Lavina News Around the Web – Stories You May Have Missed!
Lassi with Lavina reads and reads noted publications and unknown blogs, obscure magazines and news zines – so you don’t have to! Here, ferreted and gleaned are some of the buzz stories from the web – some hopeful, some sad, some funny – but always telling us a little about our changing world. Follow the links to explore the stories fully.
Funny – or racist?

Australian newspaper cartoon depicting Indians eating solar panels attacked as racist
A cartoon in the Australian depicting starving Indians chopping up and eating solar panels sent to the developing nation in an attempt to curb carbon emissions has been condemned as “unequivocally racist”.
Here’s the full article at The Guardian

Sikh Soldier Allowed to Keep Beard in Rare Army Exception
“It is wonderful. I had been living a double life, wearing a turban only at home,” he said. “My two worlds have finally come back together.”
It is the first time in decades that the military has granted a religious accommodation for a beard to an active-duty combat soldier — a move that observers say could open the door for Muslims and other troops seeking to display their faith – NYT