Barack Obama – The Right Choice for our Future
November 6. The big day is here – the day you get to write the future narrative of this country.
If you happen to be an American citizen, please do go out and vote. It’s no time for apathy. Hurricane Sandy may have exhausted you, recent events exasperated you but today you’ve got to pick yourself up and get to a polling station.
I know the last week has not been easy – my home is still without power and heat, and I know thousands are in the same situation with the cold weather coming on. Nevertheless, I too am headed back home from Manhattan, driving 3o miles to cast my vote at a nearby school where my polling station is located. Never has one day been so important in setting the course of how life pans out for our families, for future generations.
I believe the future lies with President Obama and VP Joe Biden. We’ve come through a lot of turmoil and I think theirs is the right course to set things back on track.
So put on that jacket, get moving. You’ll be glad you did.
The First Four Years – Barack Obama